Akeneo expression language functions

FEATURE STATE: Gyroscops 0.1 [alpha]

What is it ?

This library implements functions for manipulating Akeneo API data through the Symfony Expression Language.


composer require php-etl/akeneo-expression-language

Filter Provider


To use Akeneo’s expression language functions, you must first add the expression_language key and put in the provider Kiboko\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Akeneo\AkeneoFilterProvider.

Then, in the fields that can use expression languages, you can use any functions provided by the Akeneo provider.

- fastmap:
    - 'Kiboko\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Akeneo\AkeneoFilterProvider'
    - field: '[title]'
      expression: 'filter(input["title"], scope("print", "mobile", "web"), first())'


use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionLanguage;
use Kiboko\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Akeneo\AkeneoFilterProvider;

$input = [
        'locale' => 'en_US',
        'scope' => 'mobile',
        'data' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
        'locale' => 'fr_CA',
        'scope' => 'web',
        'data' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
        'locale' => 'fr_CA',
        'scope' => 'marketplace',
        'data' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
        'locale' => 'fr_FR',
        'scope' => 'print',
        'data' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
        'locale' => 'en_GB',
        'scope' => 'mobile',
        'data' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
$expression = 'filter(input, scope("print", "mobile", "web"), first())';

$interpreter = new ExpressionLanguage(null, [new AkeneoFilterProvider()]);
$interpreter->evaluate($expression, ['input' => $input]);

Functions reference

Attribute data manipulation

Akeneo has a specific data format that would make cumbersome the data mapping if there were no dedicated tools. In this matter the Expression Language functions for Akeneo gives you more control over what you wish to synchronize.

There are two functions that have to be used in order to filter or extract data from your Akeneo attributes:

  • filter ( data , ...filter ): filter the available values for an attribute
  • attribute ( data , ...filter ): extract the most accurate value

Those functions needs som companions in order to be useful. Those companions will help you to apply filtering depending on your business logic.

Filter by locale

locale ( string ...locale )

This filter will extract only the locales that match the provided locale codes, with no reordering.

filter(input["data"]["description"], locale("fr_CA", "fr_FR"))

        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "fr_CA",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"

        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "en_US",
        "scope": "mobile",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "fr_CA",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "print",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",

Filter by scope

scope ( string ...scope )

This filter will extract only the scopes that match the provided scope codes, with no reordering.

filter(input["data"]["description"], scope("web", "print"))

        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "fr_CA",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "print",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"

        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "en_US",
        "scope": "mobile",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "fr_CA",
        "scope": "print",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "print",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",

Take the first available value by scopes

coalesce ( string ...scope )

This filter will extract the first value tat matches a scope in the provided scope codes.

filter(input["data"]["description"], coalesce("web", "print"))

        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"

        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "en_US",
        "scope": "mobile",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "fr_CA",
        "scope": "print",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "print",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",

Combining results filter

anyOf ( ...filters )

This filter will combine several filters into one result, applying an OR
to every specified filter. It will result in a list where at least one filter is true.

filter(input["data"]["description"], anyOf(scope("web"), locale("fr_FR")))

        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "print",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "fr_CA",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"

        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "en_US",
        "scope": "mobile",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "fr_CA",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "print",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",

Excluding results filter

allOf ( ...filters )

This filter will combine several filters into one result, applying an AND
to every specified filter. It will result in a list where all filters are true.

filter(input["data"]["description"], allOf(scope("web"), locale("fr_FR")))

        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"

        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "en_US",
        "scope": "mobile",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "fr_CA",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "print",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"

Extracting a slice of the values list

slice ( int offset , int length )

This filter will extract length values, starting at offset.

filter(input["data"]["description"], slice(1, 2))

        "locale": "en_US",
        "scope": "mobile",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "fr_CA",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"

        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "en_US",
        "scope": "mobile",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "fr_CA",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "print",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"

Extracting the beginning of the values list

head ( int length )

This filter will extract length values, starting at the beginning.

filter(input["data"]["description"], head(2))

Extracting the end of the values list

tail ( int length )

This filter will extract length values, starting at the end.

filter(input["data"]["description"], tail(2))

        "locale": "fr_CA",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "print",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"

        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "en_US",
        "scope": "mobile",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "fr_CA",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "print",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"

Extracting the values list, after an offset

offset ( int offset )

This filter will extract all the values after the offset position.

filter(input["data"]["description"], offset(1))

        "locale": "en_US",
        "scope": "mobile",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "fr_CA",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "print",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"

        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "en_US",
        "scope": "mobile",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "fr_CA",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "print",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"

Extracting the first value from the list

first ( )

This filter will extract the first value of the list.

filter(input["data"]["description"], first())

        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"

        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "en_US",
        "scope": "mobile",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "fr_CA",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "print",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"

Extracting the last value from the list

last ( )

This filter will extract the last value of the list.

filter(input["data"]["description"], first())

        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "print",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"

        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "en_US",
        "scope": "mobile",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "fr_CA",
        "scope": "web",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
        "locale": "fr_FR",
        "scope": "print",
        "data": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"

Dates management with dateTime and dateTimeZone

In order to generate date objects, two functions has been created:

dateTime ( string date, [ string format ] )

dateTimeZone ( string date, string timezone [ string format ] )

The results will be \DateTimeImmutable PHP objects.

Manage metrics with metricAmount, metricUnit and formatMetric

metricAmount(string $value, int $decimalRound = 4)

This function will extract the decimal part of a metric attribute’s value

metricUnit(string $value)

This function will extract the unit part of a metric attribute’s value

formatMetric(array $attribut, string $locale)

This function will format the metric according to the specified locale

Builder Provider

The Akeneo API expects you to have certain types of format for your attributes. The functions provided by the AkeneoBuilderProvider allow you to create the expected formats easily.


To use the Akeneo’s Builder expression language, you must first add the expression_language key and put in the provider Kiboko\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Akeneo\AkeneoBuilderProvider.

Then, in the fields that can use expression languages, you can use any functions provided by the Akeneo Builder provider.

- fastmap:
    - 'Kiboko\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Akeneo\AkeneoBuilderProvider'
    - field: '[title]'
      expression: 'withValue(input["title"])'

Functions reference

Name Description Example
build(string …values) Enables several values to be grouped together in a single ordered array corresponding to the format that the API expects. build(input[“values”])
withValue(string value, string locale, string scope) Creates the expected format for attributes of type single-line text, multi-line text, boolean, date, number, measurement. withValue(input[“variant_name”], “fr_FR”, “ecommerce”)
withSimpleOption(string code, string attribute, string labels, string locale = ’null’, string scope = ’null') Creates the expected format for single-option attributes. build(withSimpleOption(“PHY”,“kind”, {“fr_FR”: “PHY”}))
withMultipleOption(string codes, string attribute, string labels, string locale, string scope) Creates the expected format for multiple-option attributes. withMultipleOption(input[“collection”], “collection”, {“fr_FR”: “My collection”}, “fr_FR”, “ecommerce”)
withReferenceEntityValue(string value, string locale = ’null’, string channel = ’null') Creates the expected format for reference entity record attributes of type single-line text, multi-line text, boolean, date, number, measurement. withReferenceEntityValue(input[“label”], “fr_FR”)
withReferenceEntitySimpleOption(string value, string locale = ’null’, string channel = ’null') Creates the expected format for simple-select reference entity record attributes. withReferenceEntitySimpleOption(input[“associated_crops_code”], “fr_FR”)