Environment Setup

Gyroscops is a command line application written in PHP. To be able to use the application, you will need to fulfill the following requirements:

PHP 8.2 or higher

Before proceeding, make sure your computer has a PHP version higher than or equal to 8.2 installed.

For more information on how to install PHP, go to the official documentation.

Composer 2

After installing PHP, you must ensure that Composer 2 is installed on your machine.

For more information on how to install Composer, go to the official documentation.

Docker (optional)

Gyroscops offers you the possibility to build your configurations as images that you can use in a dockerized environment. That’s why you may also need Docker.

For more information on how to install Docker, go to the official documentation.

Before v0.6.6 of php-etl/satellite:


Jq, a JSON processor, is also required for satellites to generate their composer.json files.

For more information on how to install jq, go to the official documentation.