Akeneo plugin

FEATURE STATE: Gyroscops 0.1 [alpha]

Akeneo Plugin

What is it ?

The Akeneo plugin aims at integration the Akeneo PHP clients into the Pipeline stack. This integration is compatible with both Akeneo Enterprise Edition client and the Akeneo Community Edition client.


composer require php-etl/akeneo-plugin:'*'


Connecting to Akeneo

To establish a connection to your Akeneo PIM, you must specify its URL (api_url) and some connection identifiers (client_id, secret, username, password).

  # ...
    api_url: 'http://demo.akeneo.com'
    client_id: '414yc7d9mnk044ko4wswgw80o8ssw80gssos488kk8ogss40ko'
    secret: '4k8ee6n44m4gkkg0coc8o4w4coscw0w4cg0wg8sc0wsk0sw8gs'
    username: 'demo_9573'
    password: '516f3e3e5'

To retrieve these identifiers, you need to add a connection in your Akeneo PIM.

Warning: For the api_url option, you must remove the / at the end of your URL if there is one.

Building an extractor

In the configuration of your extractor, you must specify the type of resource (see available-resources) you will be working on and which method you want to use to retrieve your data.

For each resource, the following 3 methods are available :

  • all : retrieves all data from a table
  • get : retrieve a row from a table
  • listPerPage : retrieves a set number of data from a table

Depending on the resource and the method used, different options are available in the YAML configuration :

Resource Method Option(s) required
All resources all No options required
All resources get identifier
All resources listPerPage No options required
attributeOption all attribute_code
attributeOption get attribute_code, code
assetManager all asset_family_code
assetManager get asset_family_code, asset_code
productMediaFile, assetMediaFile get file
    type: product
    method: all
    api_url: 'http://demo.akeneo.com/'
    client_id: '414yc7d9mnk044ko4wswgw80o8ssw80gssos488kk8ogss40ko'
    secret: '4k8ee6n44m4gkkg0coc8o4w4coscw0w4cg0wg8sc0wsk0sw8gs'
    username: 'demo_9573'
    password: '516f3e3e5'

Building a lookup

In some cases, you will need to perform some lookups to append to the data already read some complementary data coming from a secondary data source; this is called a lookup.

In the configuration of your lookup, you must specify the type of resource you will be working on and which method you want to use to retrieve your data.

You can retrieve the list of available resources here.

The options available are the same as for the loader.

The merge option allows you to add data to your dataset, in a sense merging your actual dataset with your new data.

The map option comes from the FastMap plugin, you may need to read its documentation to understand how to use it properly.

    type: product
    method: all
        - field: '[options]'
          expression: 'lookup["code"]'
    api_url: 'http://demo.akeneo.com/'
    client_id: '414yc7d9mnk044ko4wswgw80o8ssw80gssos488kk8ogss40ko'
    secret: '4k8ee6n44m4gkkg0coc8o4w4coscw0w4cg0wg8sc0wsk0sw8gs'
    username: 'demo_9573'
    password: '516f3e3e5'

Building a conditional lookup

The conditional lookup is very similar to a regular lookup, at the difference that the lookup will be performed only if some conditions are full-filled.

In this configuration, you will find options very similar to a standard lookup, difference being on 2 new levels of encapsulation, one of them containing the condition.

      - condition: '@=(input["type"] in ["pim_catalog_simpleselect", "pim_catalog_multipleselect"])'
        type: attributeOption
        code: '@=input["code"]'
        method: listPerPage
          - { field: enabled, operator: '=', value: '@=input["code"]', scope: '@=input["code"]', locale: '@=input["fr_FR"]' }
            - field: '[options]'
              expression: 'join("|", lookup["code"])'
      - condition: '@=(input["type"] in ["akeneo_reference_entity", "akeneo_reference_entity_collection"])'
        type: referenceEntityRecord
        code: '@=input["code"]'
        method: listPerPage
          - { field: enabled, operator: '=', value: '@=input["code"]', scope: '@=input["code"]', locale: '@=input["fr_FR"]' }
            - field: '[options]'
              expression: 'join("|", lookup["code"])'
  # ...

Building a loader

In the configuration of your loader, you must specify the type of resource (see available-resources) you are going to write and which method you want to use to insert your data.

For each resource, the following 4 methods are available :

  • create: insert a new resource
  • upsert: will try to update the resource, otherwise the resource will be created
  • upsertList: will try to update a resources list, otherwise the resources will be created
  • delete: delete a resource from the table

Depending on the resource and the method used, different options are available in the YAML configuration :

Resource Method Option(s) required
All resources upsert code
All resources upsertList No options required
referenceEntityRecord upsert reference_entity, code
referenceEntityRecord upsertList reference_entity
referenceEntityAttributeOption upsert reference_entity, reference_entity_attribute, code
referenceEntityAttributeOption upsertList reference_entity, reference_entity_attribute
attributeOption upsert attribute_code, code
attributeOption upsertList attribute_code
    type: products
    method: create
    api_url: 'http://demo.akeneo.com/'
    client_id: '414yc7d9mnk044ko4wswgw80o8ssw80gssos488kk8ogss40ko'
    secret: '4k8ee6n44m4gkkg0coc8o4w4coscw0w4cg0wg8sc0wsk0sw8gs'
    username: 'demo_9573'
    password: '516f3e3e5'

Advanced Usage

In some cases, you may only want to retrieve data that matches specific criteria.

When performing a search, you need to specify certain options :

  • field : the field you want to search
  • operator : the operator of your search
  • value : the value of the field you want to search

Other options are available but are not essential in your search :

  • scope : scope in which you search
  • locale : code of the locale you are looking for
    # ...
      - { field: enabled, operator: '=', value: true }
      - { field: completeness, operator: '>', value: 70, scope: ecommerce }

You may need to read the filtering documentation of Akeneo API

Using ExpressionLanguage

The plugin takes into account the ExpressionLanguage component provided by Symfony.

We have also provided custom expression to use when mapping your data.

    - 'Kiboko\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Akeneo\AkeneoFilterProvider'
  # ...

Available resources

Resources Akeneo’s Edition(s)
product Community, Growth, Enterprise
category Community, Growth, Enterprise
attribute Community, Growth, Enterprise
attributeOption Community, Growth, Enterprise
attributeGroup Community, Growth, Enterprise
family Community, Growth, Enterprise
productMediaFile Community, Growth, Enterprise
locale Community, Growth, Enterprise
channel Community, Growth, Enterprise
currency Community, Growth, Enterprise
measureFamily Community, Growth, Enterprise
associationType Community, Growth, Enterprise
familyVariant Community, Growth, Enterprise
productModel Community, Growth, Enterprise
publishedProduct Enterprise
productModelDraft Enterprise
productDraft Enterprise
asset Enterprise
assetCategory Enterprise
assetTag Enterprise
referenceEntityRecord Enterprise
referenceEntityAttribute Enterprise
referenceEntityAttributeOption Enterprise
referenceEntity Enterprise