Satellite Expression Language

What is it ?

This package extends the ExpressionLanguage component of Symfony to compile and evaluate file and environment variables.


This package is already integrated into the Satellite package, so you can’t require it with the composer.


To use the functions provided in this package, you need to add the expression_language key to your plugin configuration and use the Kiboko\Component\Satellite\ExpressionLanguage\Provider Provider.

  - Kiboko\Component\Satellite\ExpressionLanguage\Provider

To determine that a value in your configuration will be a language expression, you must use the @ annotation.


List of available functions

Name Description
env(string name): `string false`
envAsFile(string name): string Create a file whose name is an environment variable
file(string name): string Create a file
base64Decode(string name): `string false`
temporaryFile(string name): resource Create a temporary file
inSql(array path, string parameterName): string Writes “IN (…)” with as many parameters as there are values under path, in the format: :parameterName_0, :parameterName_1… To be used in a SQL query when searching among an unknown number of values.