String Expression functions

What is it for?

This package extends the ExpressionLanguage component of Symfony to compile and evaluate arrays with custom functions.


composer require php-etl/string-expression-language


To use the functions provided in this package, you need to add the expression_language key to your plugin configuration and use the Kiboko\Component\ArrayExpressionLanguage\ArrayExpressionLanguageProvider Provider.

  - Kiboko\Component\StringExpressionLanguage\StringExpressionLanguageProvider

To determine that a value in your configuration will be a language expression, you must use the @ annotation.

foo: '@=dateTime(input["updated_at"], "YYYY-MM-ddTHH:ii:ss", "Europe/Paris")'

List of available functions

Name Description
format(string format, mixed …inputs): string Formats a string using the sprintf syntax
trim(string input): string Trims whitespaces from a string
capitalize(string input): string Makes a string’s first character uppercase
toLowerCase(string input): string Makes a string lowercase
search(string input, int offset, ?int length = null): string Returns part of a string
toUpperCase(string input): string Makes a string uppercase
formatNumber(float num, int decimals = 0, ?string decimal_separator = “.”, ?string thousands_separator = “,”): string Formats a number with grouped thousands
indexOf(string haystack, string needle, int offset = 0): int|false Finds the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string
replace(string search, string replace, string input): string Replaces the search values in the string by the replace
stripHtml(string string, array|string|null allowed_tags = null): string Strips HTML and PHP tags from a string
decode(string string, array|string|null allowed_tags = null): mixed Decodes a JSON string
replaceByExpression(string|array pattern, string|array replacement, string|array subject, int limit = -1, int &count = null): string|array|null Performs a regular expression search and replace
capitalizeWords(string string, string separators = " \t\r\n\f\v"): string Uppercase’s the first character of each word in a string
removeWhitespaces(string string, string characters = " \n\r\t\v\x00"): string Strips whitespace (or other characters) from the end of a string
splitIntoArray(string separator, string string): array Splits a string by a string
fileName(string path): string Extracts the file name from the path name
dateTime(string dateTime, string format, string timezone = ‘UTC’): date Creates a date object from a formatted date
formatDate(date dateTime, string format): string Transforms a date object into a formatted date string
now(string timezone): string Returns a new \DateTime object with the given timezone
convertCharCode(string text, string sourceCharCode, string destinationCharCode): string Converts a string from one character encoding to another
asFloat(string value): string Converts the value into a float number
asInteger(string value): string Converts the value to an integer
asString(string value): string Converts the value into a string
truncate(string input, int limit): string Truncates the value. If the limit is 10 and the input goes above that limit, 9 characters will be kept and will be added at the end.